Principal's Message

May Don Bosco bless us!


M.A. (Eng.) B. Ed. M.A. (Christianity)


Dear students, staff and parents.

Don Bosco School, Katihar is a beacon of light in the city of Katihar. With its aim of catering to the need of the locals in the town, the school has marched ahead with success stories and continues to serve the needs of the people who seek quality education for their wards. Our inspiration is the motto of the school, “Virtue& Knowledge”. It is indeed my pleasure to join this prestigious institution as the principal and to take over thereigns of animation and governance as the Founder Body has placed this mandate to take forward the aims and mission of this to another height.It will be my constant endeavour and honest effort to take the school to the next level of excellence with the cooperation and support of all my well-equippedteaching faculty.

The school is in its 15 th year since its inception in 2008. It has taken great strides towards growth and development of this this institution by way of performance and quality education with emphasis on disciplines and structural growth. While discipline and consistency being the hallmark of Don Bosco School, Katihar we give sufficient emphasis on all round formation of the students with exposure of sports and games, literary competitions, personal guidance to develop the art of personality development. While reminding the students and every one of us that, education is a lifelong learning process the process of facilitating learning, or the acquisition of knowledge, skills, values, beliefs and habits is given importance. As Games and Sports are a part of the curriculum and a crucial and integralaspect for student’s mental health, physical and emotional growth and maturing the school strives to facilitatethis with well equipped with facilities.

In spite of our best efforts to upgrade the school to +2 Level, ISC this year, we were unable to start due to some observations made by the inspector with regard to two or three things which we could not attend to in due time. However, it will be our constant striving to do the best so that we can offer this facility to our school complete their ISC from our school, so that they can pursue their higher studies in the same campus and atmosphere.

Don Bosco School, Katihar was created with a vision to impart a Holistic Education to boys and girls to become responsible citizens of their motherland, India. It assists the young people of Katihar to develop themselves Intellectually, Physically and Culturally while encouraging them to grow in virtue and wisdom. This institution aims to inculcate in them sound principles of self-discipline, efficiency and self-reliance. It seeks to form the students through education, into persons of character, competence, conscience, compassion and commitment to build up a just and human society.

In the proper upbringing of the children, parents play a vital role to instill in their wards value and moral proper to their developments. So, as stakeholders in the children’s learning process, just as the school takes care to impart holistic knowledge, it is my plea to the parents to develop a good and growth provoking rapport with the school authority in order to properly channelize the growth process of a child for his overall growth and development. May I call on parents to devote quality time with their wards and keep a check on their progress in every respect by your sincere cooperation with the management and staff and by your responsible parenting.

Don Bosco School, Katihar is a trendsetter in the city of Katihar as the school has a well spaced-out infrastructure, spacious playgrounds, digital classrooms, and much more that is in store as the new block is in the process of completion, which will soon cater to the students of ISC once the building is furnished and ready for use.

As our father and founder St. John Bosco has said, our aims is theto form our students into good human beings and honest citizens of the country. So, it is very aim of Don Bosco school, Katihar to form our students into honest and good human beings, who will create a society of responsible leaders, persons who will contribute to the nation and return what they have imbibed themselves in our institution by way of their service and contribution to development of the society at large.

Benjamin Franklin said “Tell me and I forget. Teach me and I remember. Involve me and I learn.” To promote real learning, students are involved in various activities. The practical experience of learning enables our children to leave our school daily with either something in their hand, something in their mind and especially something in their heart. ‘Real education is the education of the heart’ as it is often said. We follow this philosophy to form our students into persons with golden hearts who enrich the society with their contribution and rich experience of both head and heart to bring about a just world.

This is how it is done at Don Bosco School, Katihar, taking into account to accompany the young not only imparting bookish knowledge for learning’s sake, but teaching them the values that really matter and a friendly accompaniment involvement which brings out the best in them and makes them into real human beings.

I wish every one of you, the best that we can achieve in whichever capacity we are in in order to fulfill the mission and vision of this Don Bosco Family, in Katihar, our pride.